Meal Plans
Students with different housing and different schedules have different needs when it comes to dining on campus. With this in mind, we’ve developed a variety of meal plans and options.
A description of our different meal plans that Indiana Tech offers along with some more general information has been provided below.
Types of Meal Plans or Blocks
Although some of our housing facilities require meal plan participation at different levels, both residential and commuter students may purchase a meal plan. Indiana Tech offers five meal plan or meal block options for our students include the following:
- Full meal plan: Includes 19 meals served by Dining Services throughout the week which is enough for one during every meal period throughout the week. You do have the flexibility to use up to four meals on any weekday if you miss a meal previously or know you will miss one later in the week but you are still limited to 19 total meals during the week.
- 10-meal plan: Any 10 meals throughout the week from Sunday through Saturday but only once during any meal period.
- 5-meal plan: Any 5 meals throughout the week from Sunday through Saturday but only once during any meal period.
- 100-meal block: A block of 100 meals to use at any time through the year.
- 50-meal block: A block of 50 meals to use at any time through the year.
If you are a resident and interested in purchasing a meal plan, you may self-select your plan through the housing portal or by contacting the residence life office. If you are a commuter and interested in purchasing a meal plan, please contact the Director of Residence Life, Jesse Brown at If you would like to add a meal block to your account, please contact the business office. Costs can be found on the traditional undergraduate tuition and fees page. Meal plans may not be reduced or cancelled after the second week of classes except as a result of changing residence halls. Meal blocks are non-refundable and any unused meals at the end of the academic school year are forfeited.
Meal Plan Requirements for Residential Students
Meal plan requirements and eligibility depend on which residence hall you live in and your year on campus. All first-year students are required to purchase the full meal plan regardless of their assigned building.
- Pierson Center and Kalbfleisch Hall: All residents are required to purchase the Full meal plan.
- Evans-Kimmell, Oropeza halls, Troder Hall, and Summit Hall: Students in their second year and beyond are required to purchase a meal plan, but may choose among the Full, 10-, or 5-meal plans.
- Warrior Row A and B, Yergens-Rogers Hall: Residents are not required to purchase a meal plan, but may choose any of the meal plans or meal blocks if they wish.
Retail or Single Meal Purchases
Students not participating in a meal plan may purchase single meals from our dining hall or items from our retail locations which include Kachmann Cafe, Max’s Bistro, and Central Grounds. Payment options include cash, credit or your student ID card. To add money to your student ID card, visit Campus OneCard or visit Student Financial Services. Parents, relatives, or even friends may upload money onto your ID card as long as they know your ID number.
Using your student ID card will also provide you a 15% discount on your purchases at the retail locations.